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Odus Treatment vs Concrete Polishing

Jul 27 2 min read


Odus uses concrete regeneration technology and penetrates deep in concrete to give long lasting results. Whereas, Concrete Polishing treats concrete at the surface level only – by filling pores on the top layer of concrete. Thus, the effect of concrete polishing vanishes with the erosion of the top layer in 9-18 months.

Even though the initial appearance of both- Odus and Concrete Polishing is similar, the impact of concrete polishing doesn’t last for more than 18 months.

Advantage of Odus Floors over concrete polishing

  • Can withstand abrasion from Forklifts/MHEs

  • MOHS scale of 6-8 i.e. the highest abrasion resistance in the flooring industry

  • Suitable for toughest of operations like welding

Odus Treatment vs Concrete Polishing


10+ Years

9-18 months

MOHS Scale



Depth of floor treated

>3 mm

1-2 mm

Suitable for Forklifts/MHEs



Suitable for Welding



How it works

Concrete regeneration technology

Filling of pores on concrete surface

Timeline of a concrete polished floor

0 to 2 Months

Shining and Reflective Surface with Dark Grey Color


2 to 3 Months

Color starts fading. In some cases, a yellowish tint can also be observed on the floor.


3 to 5 Months

Rough white spots start appearing on the floor. Slowly, these patches expand to join.


6 to 8 Months

Crazing can be observed on floor. A network of fine cracks/ white lines can be seen on the surface.


8 to 9 Months

Concrete Erosion can be observed near grooves and joints.


9 to 11 Months

70-80% of the floor loses its shine and starts looking rough like it originally was.


11 to 14 Months

Concrete starts dusting excessively and concrete erosion also increases.


14 Months+

Floor starts developing cracks and Pits


After the impact of concrete polishing vanishes, the floor becomes more prone to damage – as the top hard layer is now absent.

How is Odus Different from Concrete Polishing

Rather than the external shine, Odus concentrates on inner strengthening of concrete through concrete regeneration. After Odus the surface hardness increases up-to 200% resulting in Moh’s value of 6-8.

Thus, the floor remains unimpacted from forklift abrasion or any damaging forces on the surface.

Here are a few pictures of floors treated by Odus where Odus Treatment is already 3+ years old.


Company: P&G | Odus Treatment Done in March 2019 | Picture Taken in January 2024


Company: Vardhman Textiles | Odus Treatment done in Nov 2018 | Picture Taken in January 2024

Because of increased hardness coefficient and decreased porosity, Odus floors perform well in areas with high abrasion exposure, like factories and warehouses.

“In IIT Hyderabad, we tried 4 vendors for concrete polishing. Out of all 4, Odus has produced best Quality Results” – Mr Krishnan Shukla, Finishing Head, L&T Constructions.

Hope this article was useful. Let us know if you need more details or specific recommendations on your plant/ warehouse floor challenges. Write to us for free planning of your factory/ warehouse floor at info@rezovate.com. Our Flooring experts will be happy to help.

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